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Gruinard Beach in Scotland

The Next Steps…

I stand quiet on the path
Gazing around
At familiar scenery.I know
It’s time to move on.
The future calls.

There’s so much waiting,
So much left to see,
Do and explore.

So many people to meet,
Touch, love,
And comfort.

I take the first steps forward
And begin to shed the shell
Of the woman that was.

Will be uncovered,
The woman of the universe.

She who is peaceful, joyful,
Exuberant, patient, calm
And graceful.

Alone she stands
Watching the travelers go by.

She observes them unmoving,
Smiling politely,
Offering a nod to those familiar to her.

Suddenly she blends with another,
Light radiates as they share the path

A perfect union is formed,
For a moment their hearts
Beat in unison.

Slowly the light shifts
And there are two flames moving,
Slightly apart.

They move in the same direction,
At the same pace, but separate.
The coronas barely touch.

She pauses again,
Her light glows softly.
She smiles and pats another’s hand.

A light shimmers around the traveler,
A simple soft hue, she nods
And moves forward again.

The path around her brightens,
With each step the flowers appear more vivid,
The colors of life more vibrant.Her presence is felt,
Not always openly acknowledged,
Prayers of thanks follow behind her.

Standing quietly,
Smiling in her path, with alert eyes
Is a man.

There is a hint of mirth
And keen intelligence
In his face.

He sees her
For all of who
She is.

He nods to her, and she smiles,
A special, secret smile and they turn
In unison, walking, smiling together.

His touch is light, but creates amazing sparks,
She laughs and turns with her head
Thrown back arms wide.

He laughs
And stands
Perfectly still.

Her lips graze his
And again
There is a spark of beautiful flashes of light.

His eyes are hungry,
As they walk
Once more.

His fingers ruffle her hair
And a softness like velvet
Envelopes them.

She sighs, her hands finding his chest,
then his shoulders.
They embrace.

The world around,
Is at first silent,
Then a gentle melody fills the air.

The lights blend
And swirl then shoot out
Illuminating the night with Joy.

Cast your eyes to the ocean, cast your soul to the sea.
When the darkness seems endless, please remember me.

– L. McKennitt

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