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Hi, I’m Suanne

Hi, I’m Suanne

For years my friends and family encouraged me to share my thoughts and insights with others — that’s what got me here. Think of me as a wise woman who’s lived through a lot along the road less traveled (what does that even mean?); I regularly put myself “out there” hopefully inspiring others to live the most Joy filled life possible for them, and maybe I’ll inspire you too; I call it being #bravelybare.

Random things about me

  • I’m a former competitive and professional figure skater
  • I spent many years waiting for my weight to be in a magical (and fictional) perfect place so that I would be “worthy”. Yeah, I know… I’m not waiting any more
  • I have 3 tattoos.
  • I’m bisexual and sort of polyamorous – and that’s really hard to say
  • I’m a feminist
  • I like personality sorters: INFJ & Enneagram 6, my Love Languages are Physical Touch with Words of Affirmation & Spending Time tied for 2nd
  • I’ve been diagnosed as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) who also struggles with anxiety and I might be on the spectrum
  • I’m a Sagittarius
  • I have two adult children – both with disabilities
  • I’ve lived in Hawaii, California, Virginia, and Texas – looking for what’s next
  • I love volunteering (I’ve worked with a variety of groups including the local PTSA, a girl’s Masonic youth group, a street ministry, a sci-fi convention, the Gay Men’s Chorus of Houston, and Out for Education.
  • I have a history of caring a lot about things and people in my life, being invested, getting involved, and occasionally failing spectacularly – but I’ve learned a lot.
  • I am a survivor of childhood trauma, domestic abuse, and multiple SAs
  • I’ve got an obsession with web content management and architecture — thank goodness I get paid for this.
  • I’m passionate about educating others; I’ve developed presentations, webinars, “how-to’s”, and online classes; Taught on a variety of topics like crafts, sewing, computer stuff, and time/event management (that seems kind of impressive when I write it like that).
  • I dream of being a professional speaker
  • I’m no longer interested in playing by the rules of people who suck, I’m determined to enjoy my life the way I want, instead of worrying about what “everyone else” thinks.

Thank you for the opportunity to share all of this with you.

Wishing you Joy,

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Former California girl living in Houston, Texas. Creative spirit and kind of a sweetheart; I’ve been sharing my life experiences online since before they called it “blog”. 

#bravelybare #midlifereinvention #createeveryday


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