Welcome November.

November is the month of my birth, and usually I welcome it with open arms and anticipation, this month I welcomed it with a sore throat. Here I am a week later still coughing, sniffling, and talking funny. The end of October was bittersweet, we celebrate my Daughter’s birthday on the 30th, which is always fun but this year she turned the magical number 18. It’s wonderful to see her transitioning into a young adult, but sad too that she’s not my little baby girl anymore. My magical number this year is 45. My son hit 19 this Summer (my children are all grown up) but there is still so much more growing and learning for us all. I will admit I didn’t handle 40 very gracefully, it was much harder than I expected it would be, the good news is that I’m ending the passing 5 year phase with a lot of positive movement and I’m very excited to see what the next 5 have in store for both me, my Angel and my Silly Goose.

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